Optimism Speaks

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Perfectly Imperfect!

Be kind to others but be compassionate to yourself- Yogi

Yes, the Yogi tea has more wisdom than coffee. Possibly, even more than some people! In our new world of extreme narcissism, it is hard to ignore the neon blinking sign "Very Important Person". Social media has given the next generation of millennials an even smaller microscope into their private lives. Something that seems to be slowly sliding into extinction. The access to an assortment of filters. Allows a person to get just the right angle for the "perfect picture". I remember the days when just being in the picture was all that mattered. Now, we have to review, edit then post! As if the image was any better the second, third or fourth time around. I admit I believe in angles! However, I will not alter a photo to highlight my best by dimming another person's best. Too often "we" want to highlight ourselves over others. This perfect notion is getting out of hand. Does anyone remember that God does perfect work through imperfect vessels?  Verily, verily, I say unto you: STOP IT! 

Pride is artifical: humility is real. - Thomas Merton

We need imperfection to remind us of compassion. The world needs more love, compassion, and understanding. Our flaws are our best asset! Most people are drawn to our imperfections. Not solely because as we were taught that misery loves company. Instead, this is our opportunity to impart something greater into that person's life. When you radiate love the brokenhearted will seek you out. They are not attracted to you to drain you. They are there for a lesson in compassion, self-love, and forgiveness. From experience, these relationships will challenge you because the best relationships are perfectly imperfect! What we must learn is how to teach them to forgive themselves, have compassion for themselves, and build self-love. Because change is optional but growth is inevitable.  

Until next time...Be Compassionate!
